Picnic Bridal Styled Shoot : Bayside, NY


I am so excited to finally share this photoshoot with all of you. I had an idea of doing another bridal shoot, something that someone can get inspiration from and perhaps replicate it. Being a bride myself, the importance of having some DIY details was key which drove me to find elements that I already own to get inspiration. I put the concept together using some personal items and buying a few items without breaking the bank. I didn’t work alone in this project, I shared my idea of doing a bridal shoot with interior designer Maria from IcazaDeMartinez. We spent weeks sharing ideas, looking for inspiration on Pinterest and sharing images with different colors, locations, details, etc. As we were narrowing down the details we decided that having a picnic style shoot would be ideal. Maria was instrumental with the set design putting together creative elements to have a cohesive style. We wanted a nice tree that would allow us to have a nice space to work in without having too many people around. We found the perfect intimate spot in Crocheron Park in Bayside, NY. Finding that spot was key to put together all the pieces and ideas that we had in mind. My major concern was the dress, we could have used a simple white dress and accessorized it, but I knew that having a wedding dress would be ideal. I contacted a few small bridal shops and after a few failed attempts I found The Cotton Bride by Chris Kole. I was amazed by their cooperation and excitement of being part of the project, needless to say we found the perfect dress for our shoot. Their dresses are fresh, sophisticated and handmade in the U.S.

For hair and make-up I was happy to bring my sister Sylvia on board, which improvised working with naural flowers and creating a hair piece on the model. Our models were great to work with, we overcame some mishaps and cancellations, finalizing the cast with model J. Michael Kent and Urzula, an old classmate from high school. Michael fell into the roll of a groom quickly and portrait it perfectly which I am sure comes from his extensive modeling experience being part of some major publications. Our bride Urzula was kindly willing to be part of the project and with her great personality she was the perfect fit.

Big thanks to everyone that helped in making this happen, for your patience and collaboration in every part of this photoshoot.

Enjoy the images.



Belkis : 14:37 June 5, 2012
Beautiful Angela! Great work!
Judie : 14:42 June 5, 2012
caritza : 07:39 June 6, 2012
I love it Angie! Beautiful job!

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